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Identifying Civil War Store Cards

(Select the city of origin for the token.)

If the token provides a city name, then find the city below and click on it to proceed.
If the token provides only a state name, then the city may be identified by passing through each city within that state. If the token does not provide a city or state, then try to Identify the token by Obverse Text.

There are a lot of towns in Indiana that produce Civil War Store Cards with the majority being produced in Indianapolis. Although some are scarce, these tokens are readily collectible. Due to the proximity to Chicago, Illinois and Columbus, Ohio, there are samples produced by a number of engravers. The majority of those from Indiana are ascribed to the workshop of W.K. Lanphear.



City City City
Albany Franklin Mishawaka
Alexandria Fremont Mooresville
Anderson Galveston New Castle
Avilla Goshen New Paris
Bethel Granville North Vernon
Bowling Green Greenfield Oldenburg
Brazil Greensboro Peru
Brooklyn Hagerstown Pierceton
Brookville Hartford City Plainfield
Brownsburg Huntington Plymouth
Brownstown Indianapolis Richmond
Butler Jamestown Rochester
Cadiz Jonesboro Seymour
Centerville Kendallville South Bend
Columbia City Kokomo Sullivan
Como La Porte Swan
Corunna Ligonier Terre Haute
Danville Lisbon Valparaiso
Dublin Logansport Vicennes
Elkhart Lynn Wabash
Evansville Mechanicsburg Warsaw
Fortville Middlebury Wheeling
Fort Wayne Middletown  Wolf Creek

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