Category: Connecticut

Willimantic, Connecticut

Willimantic, Connecticut

Go to Attributing Civil War Store Cards Willimantic, Connecticut This Civil War Store Card of Willimantic, Connecticut is ascribed to the shop of an unidentified Rhode Island die sinker.  This token is the only issue known...

Waterbury, Connecticut

Waterbury, Connecticut

Go to Attributing Civil War Store Cards Waterbury, Connecticut While still under investigation, these Civil War Store Cards of Waterbury, Connecticut are ascribed to the Waterbury Button Company. Valuations are based on raw tokens. For...

Norwich, Connecticut

Norwich, Connecticut

Go to Attributing Civil War Store Cards Norwich, Connecticut These Civil War Store Cards of Norwich, Connecticut are ascribed to the shop of Louis Roloff. Working out of New York City, Roloff  signed a number...

Bridgeport, Connecticut

Bridgeport, Connecticut

Go to Attributing Civil War Store Cards Bridgeport, Connecticut These Civil War Store Cards of Bridgeport, Connecticut are ascribed to Scovill Manufacturing Company. These tokens are known for having a brassy appearance. And, some of...