1871 Shield Two Cent Value
1871 Shield Two Cent Value Facts:
1871 is worth around $22 to $32 in G4 (Good) grade and can be worth at much as $300 to $400 in MS63 (Mint State). The value will can increase if the coin is certified and graded by a reputable grading service. The value will be lower if the coin is damaged or cleaned in any way.
You will see that most Shield Two Cents for sell online will have some type of issue they will be either cleaned, scratched, pitted or corroded. You will need to closely examine the images to see the differences in color and “texture”, of a coin’s surface, among the different problems listed above.
1871 Shield Two Cent value is also determined using three distinct grade conditions: RD (Red), RB (Red/Brown) and BN (Brown). Red condition grades are rare and are the most valuable while brown is the most common.
One of the most valuable 1871 Shield Two Cent was graded MS66 RD by PCGS and sold for $28,200.
Two Cent Shield Nickel Value By Date:
![1871 Shield Two Cent Value](http://coinhelp.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/1871twocent1.jpg)
4 Responses
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